Match and Keep the Babine Wild

December 11, 2019

We are writing with an important update on the Babine River Foundation. We also want to provide you with a meaningful opportunity to financially support our conservation efforts to safeguard the Babine Watershed and its runs of wild steelhead and salmon.

An anonymous donor has put forward a $25,000 fundraising matching challenge to support the Foundation and to help motivate others to give and support our work.

We are reaching out to you, our friends, clients, and to others who love the Babine to meet this challenge by requesting a generous donation before December 31, 2019.

The match in itself is an excellent reason to contribute to the Babine River Foundation. But if you need extra motivation here it is: we need your support because we are embarking on a new and exciting era for the Foundation.

Last year the Babine River Foundation launched a collaborative partnership with the Wild Salmon Center to advance our shared conservation goals for the Babine, one of the Skeena River’s most important tributaries. The joint endeavour will aim to conserve the Babine and its wild fish populations for the long-term in collaboration with other key partners in British Columbia.

We’ve taken important steps this year—we’re working with SkeenaWild to safeguard some of the last old growth forest along the watershed, and have collaborated on a timber harvest review. We also funded a grizzly bear study, and published a new website. But beginning in 2020 we’re planning bigger things that will require more dedicated resources. For example, we are planning to draft the Foundation’s first strategic plan, map out our science and advocacy initiatives, and ensure we have the capacity in place to strategically pursue our goals.

And with this matching challenge we’re beginning to fundraise in earnest. Over the years many of you have asked us how you can help. That is why we are reaching out to you now. We have no doubt that together we can ensure the great legacy of the Babine and its fish and wildlife can be protected and enjoyed by generations to come.

Please consider making a donation before the end of the year. With everyone’s help, we think we can blow this match out of the water. Our partnership with Wild Salmon Center means your contribution will be tax deductible.

Please give here WILD SALMON CENTER

If you prefer to contribute via check, wire, or as gift of appreciated securities please contact Audie Paulus at the Wild Salmon Center at 971.255.5556 or Thank you for considering this and please be in touch with any questions.

Babine River Foundation

Billy Labonte, Carrie Collingwood, Brian Schneider, Lani Waller